

I am a full-time software engineer at Apple working for Siri (Siri Communication Products) [started: December 2022].


In Summer 2021, I worked at Apple as a AI/ML Domains Software Engineering Intern on the Siri Experience (Siri Messages) team. I worked on the identification and classification of important messages in Siri Messages. I enjoyed the work and the creation of the prototype.


In Summer 2020, I worked at Apple as a Software Engineering Intern on the iOS System Experience team. I designed and implemented machine learning classifier for incoming text-based bug reports using Swift NLP APIs. My work performance was enjoyable and I liked learning about creation using Swift.

In Spring 2020, the spring semester of sophomore year, I worked with Statistics postdoc Xiaowu Dai to research the generalization gap associated with large batch training. I implemented and experimented with multiple neural network architecture models (AlexNet, VGG).

In Fall 2019, the fall semester of sophomore year, I worked at Berkeley SETI Research Center as a undergraduate researcher and was accepted through the Berkeley URAP program. I trained a convolutional neural network to distinguish fast radio bursts (FRBs) from radio frequency inference (RFI). I integrated the training models into Breakthrough Listen signal-retrieval pipeline.

Throughout freshman and sophomore year (Spring 2019 - Spring 2020), I worked on Berkeley's CS61A Software Team (Berkeley Educators Engineering Software) on the CS61A Office Hour Queue website. I fixed bugs in the front-end and back-end implementation of the website, and worked on improving the wait-time computation for people waiting on the online office hour queue.

Kristy Lee


B.A., Computer Science
University of California, Berkeley

Design courtesy of Vasilios Mavroudis: Plain Academic.